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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


The case of the missing string. Part II.

Well, they are at it again and we really do need to up our game. The birds have been busy untying our double knots and 2 metre long lengths of string. That photo should look like three tee pees supporting Autumn Raspberry canes in a garden bed . We’ll take this opportunity to replace any […]


Observe. Evaluate. Change when necessary.

  Oh gosh this growing season is throwing some curve balls, how is it at your place? The pumpkins, zucchinis and cucumbers are slow slow slow. They just aren’t growing, usually we would have a freezer full of Golden Nugget Pumpkins by now, instead we have one flower on one plant! After I finish writing […]


In the Garden.

Hello! It is lovely that you are here. I sat in the garden this afternoon. Quietly. Watching. Listening. It is one of my favourite things to do. Bluebell raced around tossing a fallen apple into the air and catching it. Then she sat in front of me ever so focused, like a sailor on a […]


Hen House changes.

We are caring for a smaller flock of hens now, nine in total. There are a few factors involved with this decision: 1. We are eating less eggs. 2. We rehomed some of our larger birds and some of our older hens and rooster have passed away, it was a conscious decision not to replace […]


The other Pierre de Ronsard Rose.

Did you know that there were different Pierre de Ronsard rose colours? We grow two different varieties in our garden, the Red Pierre (above & below) and the pink Pierre (third & forth photos). Rare to find at the time, this red one came from a plant stall at the Evandale market, 10 + years […]


Grow What Grows Well.

Early Summer in the garden. And yet again the garden gives me the answers, whispering Grow What Grows Well. Our early morning walk around the garden, Honeybee, the hens, Bluebell and I. The hens potter about fossicking along the garden beds, grazing and clucking to each other. Honeybee is always so focused, it is like […]


A favourite quote.

Do small things with much L O V E. This little quote has become a daily mantra. Everything I do, whether it is folding the tea towels, washing the dishes, pulling the curtains back at the start of the day. These small everyday tasks become meaningful, because I can do them with a grateful heart, with […]


Honeybee & Plum, a friendship.

Did you know that hens and ducks have friendships? In our Henhouse Plum is friends with everyone but, just like us humans, she does have best friends. Honeybee and Plum are besties! While they are usually in different areas, there is a fence that separates them and they can see each other. This is necessary […]


How to read my ebooks.

I was contacted this week by Mrs V, she reads my ebooks at the library and would like a copy to read at home, she isn’t able to download the free ebooks to her home computer and asked if I could put them on a USB stick for her. Unfortunately that isn’t possible, I don’t […]
