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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Hothouse Hand Pies.

A recipe: How to make Hothouse Hand Pies. Before you go to the hothouse get your frozen puff pastry out of the freezer put pastry sheets in a single layer and cover with a clean tea towel. In the Hothouse fill a colander with leafy greans, beans, spring onions and herbs as you weed and […]


8 May 2023. A moment in the day.

Picking greens, herbs and spring onions for Hothouse Hand Pies. If you would like the Hothouse Hand Pies recipe please see the next Blog Journal entry. Would you like to join me? I’m hoping to be posting a photo each day on May. A moment captured during the day, calming, peaceful, that captures my heart. […]


One hour notice for no water.

This week was interesting! On Tuesday at 5pm we got a phone call from our wonderful plumber that he could arrive at 6pm and turn the water off to repair a leaking pipe that Michael had discovered that afternoon.  Our water supply would be turned off from 6:15pm until 6:15am to allow the pipe to […]


The Easter break.

 Hello, Welcome back to Fairy Wren Cottage. We had a very quiet few days over the Easter break. Closing the garden gates, we didn’t go out and worked away on some planned projects. There was painting, making kitchen cupboards, tending the garden, hens, ducks and guinea pigs in between rain showers, pottering about inside. I […]


The other Pierre de Ronsard Rose.

Did you know that there were different Pierre de Ronsard rose colours? We grow two different varieties in our garden, the Red Pierre (above & below) and the pink Pierre (third & forth photos). Rare to find at the time, this red one came from a plant stall at the Evandale market, 10 + years […]


The definition of Homesteading.

Late November 2022. It’s Monday and a week of possibilities lies ahead. The weekend was full of little jobs that I hadn’t exactly planned, it was a case of focus on what I can do. On Sunday Michael and I got some big gardening jobs accomplished,  shifting plants around and making better use of garden […]


A favourite quote.

Do small things with much L O V E. This little quote has become a daily mantra. Everything I do, whether it is folding the tea towels, washing the dishes, pulling the curtains back at the start of the day. These small everyday tasks become meaningful, because I can do them with a grateful heart, with […]


Pantry & Freezer Spring Clean.

I’m getting ready for this seasons harvests to come in. Liliana has already started harvesting some of the herbs. The fridge, freezer and pantry have had a Spring clean. This has involved; Everything removed. Shelves cleaned with dish clothes washed in hot soapy water. Jars wiped down. Used by dates checked. Everything placed back in […]



We aren’t perfect and are always trying to find an organic alternative. In the home and garden we may already use something or need somthing new. If something isn’t already organic we try and swap it for an organic option then choose something else. It all adds up. Start small. Think big picture. In the […]
