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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards

I’m looking forward to sending  Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards (the 1st postcard was sent out last night to everyone who subscribes to the ebooks)  and I’m very grateful for the lovely messages of encouragement for this new series.  Some details if you didn’t receive a postcard. What is a Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard? I could […]


These times…

A lot goes on behind those little instagram photos and blog posts for all of us doesn’t it?! I go between wanting to share our homesteading and gardening life here at Fairy Wren Cottage vs thinking is it at all worth it. With so much upheaval and suffering going on in the world (even more […]


Preserving at harvest time.

It is that time of year we all look forward to, harvesting or buying Summer and Autumn produce. And it is also the time when new work and school commitments set in, establishing new routines for the week. What to do when you see the zucchini’s growing by the minute, the herbs need harvesting and […]


Greener Alternatives Book.

Click here to download The Greener Alternatives Book. It was a privilege for Lil and I to edit this free ebook. What is the book actually about? The cover really says it all. 168 ways Fairy Wren Cottage instagram followers are making a smaller ecological footprint in their own homes and gardens that positively impacts […]


Bandicooting Potatoes

Do you know how to “bandicoot” potatoes? Bandicooting potatoes is when you gently dig around the base of a still growing potato plant with your hand & harvest 1 or 2 potatoes. You do as little as possible to disturb the plant allowing it to still grow. After finding a potato or two have the […]


Going Forward…

Everything I go to post about can seem quite trivial compared to what is going on in the wider world, the continuing devastation of the bushfires here in Australia as we wake up to hear of more destruction and loss, and closer to home the health and wellbeing of family & friends. I’ve had a […]


A quick Lunch.

Just a quick post to share what we had for lunch using up the left overs from last nights meal. It was stir fried vegetables in a tomato sauce with black beans, kidney & borlotti beans added to it, plus the Mexican spice blend we make ourselves. Adding a cup of cooked cous cous absorbed […]


Planning our life together.

21st August 1999 I met my husband Michael when I was living in Darwin, he was there for less than forty eight hours, on holidays from The Netherlands. We both knew it was love at first sight and when he returned to Australia four months later we bought a car and started travelling together. During […]


Lovely Things To Do Lists.

What is on your Lovely Things to Do List? Books to read? Craft projects to start or finish? Things to bake & cook? Music to listen to? Something you want to research? With the seasonal change Springtime is here and humming along, the garden changing so much everyday, trees are blossoming for such short windows […]
