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Animal Care

Country Life

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Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Zucchini Recipes.

I’m sharing two of my favourite zucchini recipes today. Zucchini Relish and Zucchini Pickles. If you are fairly new to preserving or getting back into it, remember to plan ahead and have enough jars (either bought or recycled) and check the lids are clean and reusable. It’s easy to forget things from year to year. […]


The Store Cupboard #2

  This is the second instalment of my Store Cupboard series, my first instalment I shared in yesterday’s post. Creating a Store Cupboard isn’t a once done, leave it and walk away kind of thing. It evolves. I replied to a comment left on my Instagram post in relation to The Store Cupboard #1 blog […]


The Store Cupboard #1

Stockpiling – the accumulation of groceries and house hold supplies – has become a dirty word since it is now associated with the pandemic and those crazy photos of adults behaving badly in the toilet paper aisle! Our grand parents and great grand parents and all the generations before them saw stockpiling or keeping a […]


Berry Biscuits.

Fairy Wren Cottage Berry Biscuits. (This recipe makes approximately 16 biscuits) The biscuits are plant based and I have made them with plain white flour and also with wholemeal spelt flour, using either flour works well and in the tradition of homesteading use what you already have. I’ve used frozen pieces of strawberry, young berries […]



  There is soup bubbling on the stove for weekend lunches, a pumpkin and chickpea curry ready for tonights dinner and the cottage has had a good freshen up. The front windows are now so sparkly and the sweetpea seedlings even got planted out this afternoon in-between filling up the bird baths and tucking the […]


Quinces Ebook

If you already subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage the Quinces ebook has been sent to your email address. It’s the 2nd edition of this ebook and I just felt that I wanted to go back and rewrite it, share some more recent photos, things we have learnt along the way and give it a fresh […]


Fairy Wren Cottage Bliss Ball Recipe

The Fairy Wren Cottage Bliss Ball Recipe 200 grams Almond Meal 100 grams Cashew Nuts 2 tablespoons organic chia seeds 2 tablespoons cacao powder 1/4 cup dried goji berries (soak in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain & squish any remaining liquid out) 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Place all the dry […]


5 Batch Cooking Tips.

I’ve just finished making a large saucepan of dahl that will feed us the equivalent of four meals, we’ll scatter some chopped greens from the garden on top  just before serving it alongside some homemade flatbread and organic brown rice. The pasta sauce will be the equivalent of three meals, for one of those meals […]


Christmas time!

Are you sick of the song “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” yet? or People using the caption “Learn how to make the perfect Christmas wreath, table setting or decorate the perfect tree”??? I maybe nearly at my limit with people trying to sell the “perfect Christmas” …. what is perfect anyway? So […]
