Pasta sauce started on left, sliced onions, zucchini & garlic cooking. The dahl is bubbling away on the right.
I’ve just finished making a large saucepan of dahl that will feed us the equivalent of four meals, we’ll scatter some chopped greens from the garden on top just before serving it alongside some homemade flatbread and organic brown rice.
The pasta sauce will be the equivalent of three meals, for one of those meals we’ll use the sauce in a plant based lasagna dish. Maybe use the pasta sauce as a pizza topping, make calzones or serve it with spaghetti and plant based ‘meat’ balls.
Tip No.1
Start one recipe off first, instead of doing both at once, no one likes curry powder in their pasta sauce by accident (yes it has happened…) eg. I made the dahl first, got it bubbling away then started on the pasta sauce recipe. Consciously moving around the kitchen calm and organised.
Tip No 2
Collect and measure out all your ingredients before you start.
I use small cups or bowls to measure tamari or spices and herbs into. While we are on the subject of Tamari, have you tried it? It’s a more refined taste than soy sauce, so worth using it.
Tip No.3
Fill your sink with hot soapy water. Each time you use a wooden spoon quickly wash it, dry it and have it close by, don’t go reaching over boiling hot saucepans to grab utensils that are stored on the bench or hanging above the stovetop. Have everything close and handy. Keeps the cooking area clean and tidy. Safety first.
Tip No. 4
What to do with the amount of food you just cooked. Follow food handling/hygiene/storing guidelines and freeze it as soon as possible. Make sure your lids seal properly when you have put them in the freezer and label/date the storage container clearly. Writing on masking tape is a good make do label for the freezer.
Here is what we are doing with the dahl and pasta sauce. We are having one portion of the dahl tonight for dinner, I’ll store it in the fridge for now until it needs heating up to eat and I’ll put the rest into 3 x family meal size portion containers, label, date and freeze it. With the pasta sauce I’ll make up a lasagna for tomorrow nights dinner, cover the lasagna dish securely, store it in the fridge and won’t cook it until before serving. I’ll also keep half of one portion in the fridge for pizza toppings for Saturday lunch, the rest will go in the freezer today.
Getting into the habit of always thinking ahead saves on food waste and it feels like the household is so much better organised and we can focus on study, work and fun stuff instead of worrying about what’s to eat.
Tip No. 5
We keep our teaspoons and measuring spoons in this little jug on the bench. Easy to access and drop into the sink full of hot soapy water when finished with. The little wooden spoon is used to measure out the salt in the jar. As soon as that little wooden spoon has been used it is quickly washed in the hot soapy water and returned to its spot.
Happy cooking and take precious care.
Jude x
5 Batch Cooking Tips.
February 18, 2021