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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Lovely Things To Do Lists.

What is on your Lovely Things to Do List? Books to read? Craft projects to start or finish? Things to bake & cook? Music to listen to? Something you want to research? With the seasonal change Springtime is here and humming along, the garden changing so much everyday, trees are blossoming for such short windows […]


Quinces for Jam

  When we are making Quince Jam the kitchen reminds us of walking through our  Quince Orchard just as the trees are in full blossom during Spring. Now that it is Spring I walk through our Quince Orchard wondering what we will all be doing when the quinces are ready to harvest. The summer will […]


Don’t ask me to dinner…

  Don’t ask me to dinner, I will probably say no. Not because I don’t want to or don’t enjoy your company. It is because by the end of each day Michael or Lil has to cut up my evening meal for me. My hand injury from nearly 7 years ago is tiring, I have […]


Honeybee the duckling.

To celebrate all things Honeybee there are some photos of this sweet darling  you are welcome to use as screen shots or wallpaper over  on my instagram story highlights. For personal use only please. I’ll keep the photo’s permanently in an Instagram Story Highlight called Wallpaper for you and add to it from time to […]


When you look up…

You know when you look up and catch yourself seeing your surrounds through fresh eyes? Reminding you of where you are  meant to be…And it will be different for all of us. I had that feeling when I looked  up from folding the tea towels & hand made dish clothes at the kitchen table this […]


Climate Change.

I believe in Climate Change. There is too much scientific evidence and too much physical evidence world wide to not doubt it. Climate Change can sometimes feel like the new big sensationalised thing and with that comes the so called self appointed experts on either side of the fence with no real foundations for their […]


Quince Blossom.

Yes! If I am really honest… One of the main reasons we planted a small  Quince Orchard is because quince blossom is sooooo beautiful! And at this time of year on warm Spring days the Quince Orchard smells like…well… the sweetest fragrant quince fruit! Last year we left less than twenty quince fruit to mature […]


Early Days

  There is always something so inspiring when looking at photos from when we first started to tend the garden here at Fairy Wren Cottage. It makes me feel more motivated. When we shifted in there were long to do lists and lists of plants and trees that I was busting to try growing. Into […]



I am not quite sure how it all began it is just basically who I am. And when my family shifted to the city I felt like a fish out of water, my nickname at my new high school was Farmer, because, well, basically that was who they thought I was. A farmer. That is […]
