You know when you look up and catch yourself seeing your surrounds through fresh eyes?

Reminding you of where you are  meant to be…And it will be different for all of us.

I had that feeling when I looked  up from folding the tea towels & hand made dish clothes at the kitchen table this morning.

Nothing extravagant, these are the days I craved for when I was younger, the simple things.

I use to think  the only way was buying or working towards having more, that I wasn’t good enough not having more.

It was there right in front of me all the time, I just didn’t realise that it is the beauty in the everyday, the golden thread that leads us to contentment.

Taking pleasure in everyday moments.

Gratitude for what we have, not focusing on what we think we need more of.  This is what I work hard on, focusing on  the gentle stillness & peace.

The pantry door was open, the dishes & glasses stacked neatly. Fresh eggs on the table in a bowl to remind me to make my Aunty Jean’s Honey Fluff Ginger Sponge.

The beauty in my everyday.

Sending Light & Love,

Jude x

When you look up…

October 3, 2019



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