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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


What holds us.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what holds us like a safety net when life throws a curve ball or we are in a transition time in our lives. For me it is the strong day to day foundations that anchor us, the everyday things, a comfortable tidy home, well organised, some meal prep, things […]


Interview Series: Veggie and Flower Garden Seeds.

  I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, […]


Garden Journal. 12. 9. 2019.

~ 12 September 2019 ~ I was up in the Back Orchard tonight, just having a general look around. Looking for wind damage after last nights storm and gale force winds. Checking on the health of the five hens who call it home and as well as enjoying the hens company I couldn’t help but […]


Pansy Love.

Oh gosh I love pansies. What about you? There is something so bright and cheery about them. Dependable even. Is it because they are a staple in most people’s gardens. This one absolutley blew my mind, from a tiny seed, that grew! The intricate lines and details on the petails, like someone has taken a […]


How to make Lavender Sachets.

Lavender Satchets. The lavender sachets are made from scraps of fabric left over from previous sewing projects, a piece of embroidery cotton (floss) is used to tie up the sachets cut out with pinking shears. The sachets are made smaller than what you would probably find in the shops, the organic lavender is strong smelling, you don’t […]


Interview Series: Family, Folk and History.

I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, in […]


One of those days in the garden.

  Well, it really was one of those misty mornings, rain overnight, the ground noticeably wet underfoot and the sun taking its time to peak through the clouds. A proper wintertime morning in the garden. Out early to see Honeybee, Michael spent time checking on the animals while I spent time going from garden bed […]


A rainy Friday afternoon.

Hello, how has your week been? It’s been a rainy Friday here and I’ve finished off the working week with looking at the latest home and garden magazines online at the Tasmanian Library, LINC Tasmania. It is such a great website, every libary on the island is linked. Where ever you live, I highly recommend […]


Pin Cushion Tutorial: Repurposing Embroidery.

Like some women collect diamonds or fine china or shoes, I have a fondness for embroidery on linen or 100% cotton. Little stitches carefully and meticulously hand sewn, the time and attention to detail. Beautiful and practical, I love finding different uses for it especially if otherwise it would be sitting in a cupboard from year […]
