t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Keeping you in the loop.

An update: I’ll be reopening the Fairy Wren Cottage Etsy Shop soon and my plan is to do it in stages. This will make it manageable for me and take into consideration Lil’s University work load. Postcards: First off will be new Postcard collections. Small batches, sent worldwide, you will be able to purchase them […]


A shop update.

Well, I learnt how to use the new Reel functions on Instagram and have been going for it. You may have seen lots of Botanicals popping up on your screen with pretty music. they are the new prints and postcards that will be coming to the Fairy Wren Cottage Etsy shop when it reopens soon. […]


Journal: Food Hedge Updates. 8.8.2023.

In order to add more trees to the Food Hedge we gave two quince trees major haircuts. In usual Jude and Michael tree pruning fashion I pointed to one tree branch, Michael thought it was another, and those trees are now pruned way beyond what my initial plans were. We’ll wait and see what happens, […]


Quince Orchard updates.

Hello! How are you? We have been slowly but surely making some changes in our Quince Orchard. It took a lot of courage, lots of sleepless nights and worry if I was making the right decision but after ten years of only harvesting a handful of quinces it was time to say goodbye to the […]


A moment in the day.

A moment in the day. A late afternoon walk on this cold winters day to see the ducks in the Back Orchard. Esmeralda, Ferdinand and Isabella. Our elderly Indian Runner ducks. Head of pest control, their dirty bath water is emptied at least once a day and adds so much fertility for the fruit trees. […]


The Black Cockatoos.

Lil and I have just been outside in between rain showers. The garden paths are muddy from all the rain we had overnight and their is a dampness in the air with more rain expected for the week.  The Black Cockatoo’s flew in from the South late Sunday morning, they usually fly in from the […]


My Etsy Shop is closed temporarily.

Hello! I wasn’t expecting to write this today! But due to unforeseen circumstances my Etsy Shop is closed temporarily. I’m making some changes and doing some updates behind the scenes. All is well here and I hope it is at your place too. Much love, Jude x Ps. The Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard (monthly newsletter) […]


Journal: The garden smells of Violets. 17. 7. 2023

Garden Journal Entry. The gentlest signs in the garden are telling us that the earth is slowly waking up from her Winter slumber. Buds and the first blooms on the Ornamental Quince. The Ornamental Apricot begining to flower. New growth appearing on the roses, that may still need pruning, best get on to that quick […]


July’s Newsletter.

Hello! Just to let you know I  will be sending out the Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard over the next couple of days. Some details about it. Sent in the last week of the month. It is free. News and photography I don’t usually share elsewhere. Everyone is welcome. This is a safe inclusive space. My […]
