Tip: When you catch yourself going into that depressing headspace of feeling overwhelmed about all the renovating jobs you have to do, pause and change the narrative to; Look at what we have already done, make a mental note of every single little thing you have done until you start to feel better, more positive […]
1.Don’t compare yourself to what other people are doing on social media. You aren’t them, you don’t know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. Someone saying “oh we renovated everything and landscaped the garden” can actually mean we paid for everything, had a big budget and got designers, tradespeople and landscapers in to […]
It can feel like such a huge weight can’t it?! That overwhelm when there are SO may jobs to do with renovating, getting a garden set up, doing paid work, caring for your family especially when they are babies, after all the day to day stuff still needs to happen like feeding everyone, making sure […]
I’ll be releasing my latest free ebook Food Hedges over the next couple of days. Subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage to be the first to get free ebooks that I create and share. The subscribe button is in the top far left hand corner, click on the link (3 lines) and a drop down box […]
I’ve just finished making a large saucepan of dahl that will feed us the equivalent of four meals, we’ll scatter some chopped greens from the garden on top just before serving it alongside some homemade flatbread and organic brown rice. The pasta sauce will be the equivalent of three meals, for one of those meals […]
Like anything in life there are different ways to approach something and educating our children is no different. For a family at the beginning of their homeschooling journey it can seem a bit overwhelming and daunting as to know where to start. For us it started with me researching extensively, that’s ok, it was a […]
There are four previous posts I have shared about our Homeschooling journey, you can read them in the Homeschooling section. This is our last year of homeschooling our daughter Liliana, from the 2nd day of Prep through her high school years to year 12 (now) plus she is in the 2nd year of her University […]
The Albertine Rose and Potato Vine put on a show this Spring like no other season before, they were stunning. To celebrate their beauty I’ve chosen a small selection of quotes and daily mantras and created some graphics to share. The 1st quote comes from a day when it felt like I was walking through […]
Only weeks away from the calendar marking the first days of summer, I can see the signs already of the warmer months arriving when I look out to the hills and mountains, the grass in the paddocks is past its Spring flush and the warmer weather is noticeable at watering time with the ground […]