A little craft for the soul. A portable project to do in your lunch hour, or while waiting in the car. Reduce Reuse Recycling. A rainy day project to help encourage & practice sewing skills. A sweet gift, easy to send in the post. These felt brooches cheer up any outfit especially during the colder […]
I stopped reading the guidelines for when to pick herbs and started using my commonsense. When I did follow guidelines so many herbs in our garden were going unharvested and wasted while waiting for the end of the season or the “perfect” time – which may not even happen in our micro climate. By the […]
Lil and I were having a bit of a giggle on the weekend, we were reminiscing about the dodgy poultry breeders and sellers we have come across. I guess enough time has passed to find it partly amusing because at the time it was not easy and disappointing to say the least, we certainly learnt […]
I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, in what ever way […]
Early Summer in the garden. And yet again the garden gives me the answers, whispering Grow What Grows Well. Our early morning walk around the garden, Honeybee, the hens, Bluebell and I. The hens potter about fossicking along the garden beds, grazing and clucking to each other. Honeybee is always so focused, it is like […]
Late November 2022. It’s Monday and a week of possibilities lies ahead. The weekend was full of little jobs that I hadn’t exactly planned, it was a case of focus on what I can do. On Sunday Michael and I got some big gardening jobs accomplished, shifting plants around and making better use of garden […]
Do small things with much L O V E. This little quote has become a daily mantra. Everything I do, whether it is folding the tea towels, washing the dishes, pulling the curtains back at the start of the day. These small everyday tasks become meaningful, because I can do them with a grateful heart, with […]
The recipe for this Boiled Fruit Cake is in the latest Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard, my monthly flowery newsetter. At least four generations of women have baked this cake in our family. Liliana, now likes to make it, she feels connected to her ancestors this way. Knowing the same baking aroma would once have filled […]
This wallpaper series is designed for your tablet or iPhone. For personnel use only please. Uses as many as you like, there is no limit. They are made to be enjoyed. I’ve included three examples in this blog post and there are more to choose from. Find them at my Instagram account called @fairywrencottage and […]