Five things for this Monday.
1. I sent out the newsletter for January last week. A little later than expected, but filled with flowers and news I don’t share elsewhere. It is free and everyone is welcome.
Click here to subscribe.
2. It is late summer, so many flowers at their peak, keep an eye on the weather forecast and pick any flowers before they could get wind or rain damage.
3. Humidity at this time of year can have such an impact on drying herbs and flowers. Dry herbs in a single layer with plenty of ventilation and remember to pick them from the plant when they are dry. I accidentally watered the mint today just before wanting to pick it, I’ll wait and pick it tomorrow instead when the water droplets have dried.

Soul Sister Rose.
4. It is windy today so I have watered the garden earlier than usual to prevent young seedlings wilting in the hot wind. All the vegetables are mulched with organic sugar cane, the worms really thrive with this mulch on the garden beds. The sugar cane is worth the investment, easy to handle, improves the soil fertility, makes a great barrier to prevent the soil drying out and looks neat and tidy.
5. Lil and I were looking at online rose catalogues yesterday and ordered some Spring bulbs, it is that time of year.
Until next time, take precious care.
Jude x
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Late Summer & Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards.
February 6, 2023