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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Garden Postcards: Autumn Cherry Blossom.

The mist is slowly moving in over the surrounding hills and mountains and as it starts to drizzle I pause before making my way inside. The Autumn Cherry Blossom is out and it is worth stopping to see it one last time close up before the end of the day. It seems hard to believe […]


Quince Kindness

With the end of the quince harvest in our small Quince Orchard nearly here we have been doing a stocktake. So far we have given away over 100kg of quinces. We have given quinces to dog walkers who we see regularly walking past our cottage, to friends who have then made quince paste for their […]


“I want your life.”

People often leave comments on my instagram along the lines of “You live my dream life” or “I want your life”. Depending on how you look at things that could be saying I want to live with a life altering injury that makes me incapable of many things, saying goodbye to life long dreams, no […]


Quiet Moments Ebook.

I wanted to make a positive offering to the world, one of kindness, quiet reflection and peacefulness. You can easily download it via My Ebooks, at the top of the page. Or you can read the book, page by page,  via my Instagram account @fairywrencottage and click on the insta highlight with the title NewEbook. […]


Quiet Moments. Part III.

Back in November I started a morning Gratitude Journal and in the evenings writing in an Evidence Journal. There is lots of information online about the positive effects of Gratitude & Evidence Journals. Michael, Lil & I all have journals now, so beneficial for health and wellbeing. What are they? ~ Gratitude Journal ~ Part […]


Quiet Moments. Part II.

Simple moments, the beauty in the everyday. Sunday in the kitchen, Lil making her first batch of bottled pears using our new Fowler’s Vacola preserving kit and Honeybee having a nap in the Autumn sunshine. Sending Light & Love, Jude x


Quiet Moments. Part I.

The beauty in the everyday. I have started a new series on my instagram @fairywrencottage. One of the main focuses of my social media accounts has always been to document and look for the beauty in our days but I just feel more than ever the need to take several photos and post them in […]


Garden Postcards: Dahlias.

~ Dear Lovely Reader ~ Oh dahlias! Where would our gardens be without them?! So grateful for their comeback and renewed popularity in the garden, it means there are more varieties now available to choose from. As the Autumn days unfold I look to the dahlias for their tell tale signs of slowing down. The […]


Planting fruit & veg after the drought.

Amy: Now we have got water we can get the veg patch going? Any tips on what to plant Jude? Me: Plant lots of love! Let me have a think I will message you tomorrow. A message between Amy @wattleandtwine and I late Sunday night on Instagram. After years of drought and dust storms Amy […]
