If you missed the latest Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard, I explained about why I won’t be discounting and having shop sales. I won’t be discounting for three reasons: I haven’t added that 10%, 0r 20% onto the price to be able to substract it. Discounting undervalues my work. It isn’t fair to customers who have paid […]
I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, in […]
Hello, how are you? We had a weekend of tending to the cottage and garden. It feels lovely to be moving forward, getting things done instead of other years when it has felt like we were constantly playing catch up. You know those wintertime jobs that pull everything back from looking too unloved and slightly […]
Hello, It’s lovely that you are here. I know I say it a lot but it is heartfelt and truely meant. In between waiting for pie filling to cool, potatoes to roast and the dishwasher to finish, I shared some more Iphone Wallpapers on Instagram Stories last night, you may have seen them? With Instagram […]
Good morning, With the leaves mostly gone from the trees there is a starkness to the garden now but when the Winter sunshine is out everything feels cloaked in its warmth. Does that make sense? The little droplets on the silver birches sparkle, sunshine reflects off the glass window panes. Cloudy silver skies turning powdery […]
A little posie of violets. Today is the second last day of this series. I have loved it. And it will be great to be posting a variety of different things again. But you may notice the odd Blog Journal post or Instagram post with the same title A moment in the day. ~ My […]
The white cotton artist’s paper that my photography is printed on has a soft feel, a lightly defined felt structure, lending each artwork a three-dimensional appearance and pictorial depth. Brilliant colours, deep blacks, striking contrasts. The paper is acid-and lignin-free. Museum quality for highest age resistance. Much love, Jude x The Fairy Wren Cottage […]
I am sure, that sometimes, flowers, roses in particular, like to be photographed a certain way. Today was one of those times. My goal is to post a photo each day in May. A moment captured during the day, calming, peaceful, uplifting. Something positive as we move into the colder months in the Southern Hemisphere […]
Oh my gosh, those first moments for the year, walking about the garden and gathering a little posy for one intended purpose only. It is my favourite type of fashion time of the year, handmade shawl wearing with a flower or two or three threaded through. Bliss! My goal is to post a photo each […]