Since posting the photo of the apple blossom from the heritage apple tree varieties we grow, I have had some questions about what to plant & where to get trees from. As you can imagine I have lots to say about all of this and happy to talk about it more, plus point you in […]
Dear Lovely Reader, I have included the Magnolia story I shared on my Instagram page in with my Garden Postcard Series. Enjoy xxx A Sunday night Springtime tale about a magnificent flowering Magnolia. Once upon a time Fairy Wren Cottage was owned by a lovely eccentric man for thirty years, he didn’t like flowers […]
Growing Roses at Fairy Wren Cottage. I’ve written an article for the latest Grass Roots magazine, No. 260 Aug/Sept 2020 issue. It was a joy to write, Lil and I love roses and just squeezed another 7 into the garden beds. Michael on the other hand is gracious in helping us planting and caring for […]
The first year we shifted to Fairy Wren Cottage we made a large bulk order of heritage fruit trees, the second year it was roses, the third year it was bulbs. Since then each year we buy a small selection of bulbs, it is a great gardening project that Lil especially loves. We pour through […]
It has been nearly 2 years since I began this blog, can you believe it?! Time for a freshen up. Hope you enjoy the changes and this message reaches you safe and well. Take good care, I’ll be back soon with some new blog posts. Until then, Sending Light and Love, Jude x
It is that time of year again when Liliana and I join Juliane from @onebouquetperday on instagram to pick a posy of flowers each day, take a photo of the flowers, write a caption to go with the flowery photo including the names of the flowers, and post it on our instagram pages. It is […]
Hope you are staying safe and well. I believe that we are all more alike than we are different, when we lead with kindness and empathy we understand each other so much better than leading with judgement and criticism. My social media accounts are for everyone who comes in peace, everyone is welcome, this is […]
Think of it as changing around the front window shop display. Please excuse anything that looks like it maybe it a little out of place. It probably is… These things always seems to take much longer than anticipated. Yell out if I can help with anything, or if you are looking for something in particular […]
I wanted to make a positive offering to the world, one of kindness, quiet reflection and peacefulness. You can easily download it via My Ebooks, at the top of the page. Or you can read the book, page by page, via my Instagram account @fairywrencottage and click on the insta highlight with the title NewEbook. […]