As you may have read in previous posts our garden has been undergoing some major renovations. It’s all good. Resilience and regeneration are two words that are always in my thoughts when I am thinking about garden plans here at Fairy Wren Cottage. I first planned this garden based on Permaculture principles and that frame […]
We have been slowly working away on different projects in the garden, the list changes with the seasons and what becomes a priority. For example the raspberries that once grew where the hot house now is spent weeks in the wheelbarrow but new growth meant a quick decision on where to replant them, decisions seemed […]
We have just come in from spending a lovely couple of hours in the Kitchen Garden this morning. The sun was warm enough to wear a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt and sit on the garden bench with our faces towards the sun and feel the warmth on our skin. There are two donkeys that live close […]
Oh my gosh! I have been unsubscribing left, right and centre to different companies that have automatically put me on their mailing list when I have bought something from them, or done an online course with them or signed up to a mailing list that I am no longer interested in. Just to be clear […]
This morning the hens were keen to potter about outside until they stepped into their garden and felt the force of the bitterly cold winds. Enticed by the contents in their daily bucket of weeds, herbs and mustard greens they soon hopped back inside. A hand full of sunflower seeds is a favourite for them […]
A week of doing small projects in between school work and work that by Friday afternoon all adds up. It is the way we get things done, little by little. Inside the cottage we are slowly chipping away at a freshen up some rooms. A new blind for the bathroom windows and also giving the […]
If you already subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage the Quinces ebook has been sent to your email address. It’s the 2nd edition of this ebook and I just felt that I wanted to go back and rewrite it, share some more recent photos, things we have learnt along the way and give it a fresh […]
~ Mountain Pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) ~ Also known as Tasmanian Native Pepper or Tasmanian Pepperberry, it is a bushfood. You can use the leaves or berries when cooking. Have you heard of it? Long before I met Michael and we got married and lucky enough to have our Liliana, growing Mountain Pepper was a long held goal […]
The Fairy Wren Cottage Bliss Ball Recipe 200 grams Almond Meal 100 grams Cashew Nuts 2 tablespoons organic chia seeds 2 tablespoons cacao powder 1/4 cup dried goji berries (soak in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain & squish any remaining liquid out) 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Place all the dry […]