t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Beauty in the everyday moments.

  Beauty in the Everyday Moments. In the garden. Pausing that bit longer to appreciate the dahlia’s as their second flush of flowers is coming to an end and marks the beginnings of them returning to the earth for the colder months. Checking on the hens, love how they afternoon nap in the warmth of […]


Tomato Season 2022.

A cold Spring. An unfinished Hothouse. Tomato seeds that started off slowly and went down hill from there. The ground not warm enough to plant tomatoes outside during that cold Spring even if we bought large seedlings or tomato plants. Waiting for things to warm up. Buying the last of the local growers tomato plants. […]


My Art Prints.

Good news! I think I have finally found a local Printing Company. They do museum, art gallery and book publishing standard printing of photos. When you buy one of my prints I want it to be the best quality available and on high standard paper stock. I’ll be sending off some of my work this […]


Flooding & Food Growing.

It’s 4am Sunday morning and I have been lying in bed for the last hour and a half thinking about the 2 metres (yes, 2 metres) of rainfall parts of Australia have had since January. The very same areas that are experiencing that amount of rainfall also experienced the devastating bush fires a couple of […]


Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards.

I’ve been wondering how to move forward with Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards. Wanting to share them on a more regularly basis, but at the same time not wanting to clog up your inbox. How does sending out a Postcard to you once a month sound? My plan is to send out this flowery newsletter in […]


Embracing Joy & Beauty.

“I will never apologise for embracing joy and beauty – even when the world is falling apart – because joy and beauty are my fuel for activism.” – By Karen Walrond, The Lightmaker’s Manifesto. Reading that quote yesterday on Brene Brown’s Instagram feed really felt like it helped shift my perspecitive. Motivating me to keep sharing […]


Birthdays at Fairy Wren Cottage.

Michael and I decided before Liliana was born that we wanted to make sure we celebrated family birthdays together. Three things really influenced my decision. The first was hearing about Michael’s sister and brother in-law always taking the day off work to celebrate each others birthdays and their daughters birthdays. Hi Ezra if you are […]


Summer Mornings.

Written in early February, sharing it now. It’s always the way isn’t it! The one morning I’m out early watering the front garden, hair unbrushed and shirt on inside out, is when you see people to say hello to as they are walking past with their dog! In my defence I was relying on my […]


Homeschooling #8 Registration

I was just reading the statistics for families registering to homeschool, on one website the estimate was approximately 30% of families don’t register; that is high. I understand the hesitation for not wanting to register, I really do. I contemplated not registering our family, but the positives outweighed the negatives. Hindsight is a marvellous thing, […]
