t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


2 May 2023. A moment in the day.

Those hands. What they create. Hard working. Aways going above and beyond.  Stained from years of working with timber. My beautiful, helpful Michael. Sure I could have taken a photo of Michael cutting up my evening meal, or helping me put on my socks or so many other things that he helps me with since […]


1st May 2023. A moment in the day.

1st May: Returning to my desk and watching the silver birch leaf shadows on the wall. Would you like to join me? I’m hoping to be posting a photo each day in May. A moment during the day, calming, peaceful, that captures my heart. If you’d like to join in at any time for however […]


Interview Series: Tracy Waite, Artist.

  I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, […]


Are you interested in family history?

Hello, it’s Lil here, Jude’s daughter. Are you interested in family history? I’m a qualified genealogist and family historian who is passionate about connecting the past to the present through the lens of family history. On my website/blog, familyfolkandhistory.com I share posts with research tips and tricks to help you on your family history journey, anything […]


About the Interview Series.

How are you enjoying the Interview Series? Let me tell you a little background info about it. In October 2022, with an amazing amount of help from our daughter Liliana, I did a huge overhaul of this website. Standing back and looking at it all after everything was finished, there was a question I kept […]


The Easter break.

 Hello, Welcome back to Fairy Wren Cottage. We had a very quiet few days over the Easter break. Closing the garden gates, we didn’t go out and worked away on some planned projects. There was painting, making kitchen cupboards, tending the garden, hens, ducks and guinea pigs in between rain showers, pottering about inside. I […]


Interview Series: Bimlow Cottage.

  I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, […]


The 1st Monday in April 2023.

Hello there, how are you? This morning we picked the first Smyrna quinces (above), going row to row, checking everything. It is disheartening how many windfalls we do get just before they are ripe and no, we definetly don’t sell the windfalls, they go into the compost, nothing is wasted. It is that time of […]


Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards

Hello! I’ve changed the banner for my Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards, you may have noticed if you already subscribe and read the March edition. If you don’t already subscribe, wondering what I am talking about or maybe sitting on the fence undecided. Here’s the details: Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards is the name for my free […]
