t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


30 Sept 2019. From the Garden Journal.

30 September 2019 From the journal. Here at Fairy Wren Cottage those really hot Summer days begin February through to March.  While some gardeners in warmer climates are already well and truly harvesting fruits & veg our cooler climate slows the garden right down in comparison. But still there is so much to do and pick. We already […]


More Screensavers.

I’ve added a new batch of Screensavers/Wallpaper to my Instagram Highlights. You can find them on my Instagram account @fairywrencottage. They are saved in an Instagram Highlight called Screensavers. Here is an example of some of them and what they will look like when on the screen. Free. For personal use only please. Use as […]



She’s a stunner! And quite frankly I’m relieved this iris flowered at all. You see I had buyers regret. An impulse buy in the middle of winter from an online catalogue. Oh I’m a sucker for those bright pretty flowery catalogues! Miss Iris arrived and for $15, unexpectedly small, shrivelled up and looked fit for […]


5 things about the garden at Fairy Wren Cottage.

Five things you may not know about Fairy Wren Cottage. 1. The property was originally called Valley View. We changed it to Fairy Wren Cottage for a few reasons.  One reason was a new housing development went in behind our previous home and the estate was called Valley View. The name Valley View reminded us […]


Summer 2022.

From my journal: 28 February 2022. Would you like a glimpse into my walk around the garden this morning? Waking up to misty rain was a lovely change. It has been so so dry here, such a contrast to other parts of Australia that are experiencing flooding and day after day of rain. My thoughts […]



We aren’t perfect and are always trying to find an organic alternative. In the home and garden we may already use something or need somthing new. If something isn’t already organic we try and swap it for an organic option then choose something else. It all adds up. Start small. Think big picture. In the […]


Autumn in the garden.

From my journal. It is early Autumn at Fairy Wren Cottage. 21 March 2021. Would you like to take a walk around the garden with me? There are tadpoles in the bird baths that are on the ground nestled in amongst the foliage and it is wonderful to see so many little frogs sunning themselves […]


14 December 2021. Pottering.

From my journal. 14th December 2021. ~ Pottering ~ Pottering may just be my word for the summer months. I’m looking forward to tending the garden, moving forward with some garden plans and maintaining what is already growing. I let go of the ‘grow everything goal’ a very very long time ago, it was such […]


What do I want?

With everything going on in the world I return to the same questions. Is what I am doing and sharing on social media even relevant? Is it necessary? Is it important? And the big one – What do I want? My answer for this is simple, for everyone to be cosy, content and safe, in […]
