When we are making Quince Jam the kitchen reminds us of walking through our Quince Orchard just as the trees are in full blossom during Spring. Now that it is Spring I walk through our Quince Orchard wondering what we will all be doing when the quinces are ready to harvest. The summer will […]
Don’t ask me to dinner, I will probably say no. Not because I don’t want to or don’t enjoy your company. It is because by the end of each day Michael or Lil has to cut up my evening meal for me. My hand injury from nearly 7 years ago is tiring, I have […]
You know when you look up and catch yourself seeing your surrounds through fresh eyes? Reminding you of where you are meant to be…And it will be different for all of us. I had that feeling when I looked up from folding the tea towels & hand made dish clothes at the kitchen table this […]
Not all zucchini’s are created equal when it comes to cooking & eating them. The dark green generic zucchini varieties (the seedlings often found in large chain garden centres) can taste awful and turn the best of us off this gorgeous vegetable! Full of water, those dark green smooth zucchini varieties can lose their shape […]
You know that gentle soothing rhythm that you so easily slip into and get lost in when knitting or crocheting or painting or hand sewing or baking or gardening, any kind of creative outlet really. It gently calms the mind, it is like a balm for the soul. It slows us down, we become more […]
I read a comment by someone who said they didn’t know where to start with going plastic free, she felt that there was just so much information out there and it was a little overwhelming what to do and what not to do. Fair enough, sometimes it can all feel like a bit of a mine field, picking through […]
Thank you so much for the lovely feedback about my new free ebook Nest. Looking for the Light during the colder months. If you haven’t had the opportunity to download the ebook yet it’s there for when you are ready. If you are undecided and wondering what it is about well the title is pretty […]
The Quince Jam Drop Bikkie recipe to celebrate all things Quince and sharing my new free ebook. Quince Jam Drop Bikkies Makes 15. Ingredients: 180g butter 3/4 cup rapadura sugar 2 cups wholemeal spelt flour 1/2 teaspoon Aluminium free Baking Powder 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 1 chia egg . In a small cup mix 1 […]
It was a shock the first time I saw healthy, spray free Bay Leaves and compared them to the pale dried out leaves in those little packets at the supermarket that cost $$$. After visiting a garden not far from here and realising the huge 4 x 3m tree in the front garden was a […]