t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


The Irish Bakery Book Review.

When the notification from @montgomerypress came through that the book The Irish Bakery was sent, it was like tracking the book’s journey like a dear friend arriving from overseas. The first thing my daughter said to me one morning was “The book has arrived in Melbourne, not long to go now!” The Irish Bakery. Photos […]


Journal: 3 May 2024.

Hello, Well, I totally didn’t mean to be away for this long. Here’s a little snap of Autumn so far. Our first frost. Racing to finish painting the cottage and installing some new weatherboards – that job is long overdue. Some inside painting and installing dado boards. Harvesting. Preserving. Starting the woodheater for the first […]


Journal: 20 February 2024.

Hello, I’m looking forward to being more present on social media, both on Instagram and this Blog Journal. To reactivate Instagram I’ve got a collection of posts and a giveaway for you. So please check in here and on Instagram @fairywrencottage if I don’t appear in your Instagram feed. My monthly newsletter called Fairy Wren […]


And so I return to what anchors us.

What a week! You know those weeks when a series of unexpected events happens that kind of hit you for a six. One of those kind of weeks.  Because life doesn’t stop still and let you catch a breath does it. There are still work commitments, we have to eat, animals in our care that […]


Journal: In the kitchen. 26.9.2023.

The view from here. Waiting for the potatoes to boil so I can take that colander on the table and pick some greens for the evening meal. It’s lovely being in the Kitchen Garden at this time of day. Fine Art prints by me. Kitchen by Michael Van Heel. Specialising in Bespoke Carpentry. Instagram @allhomerenosandmaintenance […]


Darlings, Sweetpeas are toxic.

Darlings, SWEET PEAS are toxic, so are other flowers. Double, triple, quadruple check what flowers you decorate your cakes with. Even if you buy packaged “edible”flowers, check.  And don’t be fooled by a name, easy done. It is Sweet Pea season, they are one of my favourite flowers, do you love them too? (My sweet […]


Q & A : What are your favourite things to grow.

Potatoes I love growing potatoes, especially Dutch Creams and Nicola’s. It’s the whole planting process through to Bandicooting them when the first potatoes are ready and the final harvest. I also love growing fruit trees and berries. There is something so honest about walking through our small fruit tree orchards or along our Food Hedges […]


Q & A: Do you earn an income from your garden.

It’s a good question. The short answer in no. BUT Our garden saves us money rather than spend it. Hand on heart with supermarket organic prices we wouldn’t be able to afford or source all of the organic produce that we grow. PLUS We have created so many family memories in the garden. So many […]


9 May 2023. A moment in the day.

Late yesterday afternoon Lil and I took a colander, put Bluebell on a lead (good for her training)  and went foraging, around our garden! I’ve designed the garden this way, there are Food Hedges to forage in and plants, shrubs and trees dotted about the garden where the growing conditions suit them best. This is […]
