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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Interview Series: Trona Freeman, SEO & Pinterest Specialist.

I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, in […]


Six things about me.

Six things you may not know about me! 1. I now create vintage inspired Postcards and Prints and sell them in my Etsy Shop. (The Fairy Wren Cottage Etsy Shop.) 2. All the photos are taken here in the garden at Fairy Wren Cottage. Together with my husband and daughter Liliana, we tend the garden […]


Brambley’s Seedling Apple

Brambley’s Seedling Apple in blossom. Springtime in our Kitchen Garden. Have you been noticing the change in light as Spring unfolds? I haven’t been taking as many photos lately, I’m sure that will change again. But for now I’m very content sitting, watching, observing the light. Quietly standing in the garden, content and grateful to […]


Freycinet Rugosa Rose.

Freycinet Rugosa Rose. A beautiful Tasmanian bred rose by dedicated plantswoman Lilia Weatherley. An absolute must for the garden, disease resistant, stunning big blooms. Wonderful in a hedge. I was lucky enough to track down three several years ago, just after they were first released in 2010. All happily thriving in hedges here around the […]


Interview Series: Deborah Vass, Artist & Printmaker.

  I’ve made this series to highlight women who are starting out. They have created something out of nothing, following those whispers and are moving forward with bringing their dreams to life. I believe in the power of sharing our stories, supporting and lifting each other up. There is enough for everyone to be successful, […]


Postcards for Children.

~ Honeybee the Duckling postcard set ~ I created this set of 10 postcards with Primary School age children in mind, ages 5 – 12 years. A review for the postcards: “Writing a special postcard is a brilliant way to get children off devices and encourage practicing those writing skills.  Writing helps children to convey […]


New Postcards.

My Postcards are all about connection. To send to friends and family. A thank you note. A gift card. A book mark. Pop in a little frame for some flowery goodness. A teacher’s thank you card. String together and make bunting. So many possibilities. Everything I take photos of we grow here in the garden […]


A Spring project.

  ~ Heirloom Frangrant Narcissus ~ A Spring Gardening Project. Earlier in the year Liliana and I had a lot of fun scrolling back and forwards through bulb catelogues online. Most we bought when the bulbs went on special at the end of the sale season. But this can mean you miss out on some […]


You may or may not know …

You may or may not know that all my photography is only taken here at Fairy Wren Cottage. Life changed for me ten years ago when I fell and the metal prong of the garden rake went completely through my hand, I’m no longer fully independent and live a very different life now. Going out […]
