I am not quite sure how it all began it is just basically who I am. And when my family shifted to the city I felt like a fish out of water, my nickname at my new high school was Farmer, because, well, basically that was who they thought I was. A farmer. That is […]
As I passed you new seasons fruit we had grown here in our young orchards. An apple, a pear, stone fruit. Maybe a new variety of vegetable I had talked to you about trialling. You cup it in your hand ever so, feel the weight of it, run your thumb carefully over it and assess […]
You know that gentle soothing rhythm that you so easily slip into and get lost in when knitting or crocheting or painting or hand sewing or baking or gardening, any kind of creative outlet really. It gently calms the mind, it is like a balm for the soul. It slows us down, we become more […]
I met two girls at the market one Saturday who reminded me of you at their age. They started talking to me at the sock stall when I was on a mission to buy red socks. Why was I even looking for a red sock? Just like looking at my red shoes and feeling […]
Look at this Orlando Plenty creation, made by Sappho & Ryan. Can you spy the Quinces grown here at Fairy Wren Cottage poached in unpasteurised freshly pressed apple juice? And it tasted as good as it looks! It is a dream come true for Michael, Lil and I to be at the Farm Gate Market […]
You see some days are just down right memorable aren’t they?! Two of those days spaced a year apart were when our neighbour Danny generously helped me prune our fruit trees. He had quietly watched us plant our little Back Orchard with heritage peach, apple, cherry, pear, crab apple, apricot & nectarine trees and […]
When I was a little girl there was a time when I would often forget to make my bed. I think it was my way of rebelling! But one day we were visiting my beautiful Great Aunty Jean who lived in the city and my mother mentioned my bed making rebellion! My darling Aunty who […]
Is there anything better than a jam drop bikkie with a nice cup of tea?! Use frozen berries instead, it’s a little different to the always delicious jam drop that needs about 1/2 teaspoon of jam per biscuit. Healthier, less sugar means less sugar high. Have your little kitchen helper put the berries on […]
Do Small Things with Much Love. Daily Mantra. We are slowly returning to lovely ordinary days, windows wide open, going outside when we like, checking on the ducks, chooks and guinea pigs through out the day, looking to see if fruit is ripening on the trees, gathering a small bunch of herbs as we walk […]