Food prices are increasing and impacting us all. My hope for this free resource is that you feel less alone, encouraged and inspired to grow more food. Here is the second page of the ebook that will give you some background. I am still taking contributions for the ebook but will be closing soon. We […]
Broad Beans, do you love them or hate them? If you grew up having to eat broad beans boiled to an inch of their lives and appearing on the plate a delightful shade of grey, have no fear dear reader, those sorry looking things really don’t class as a broad bean! We’ve planted some broad […]
Yes that’s right, I deliberately put Honeybee in the middle of the garden bed that she isn’t normally welcomed into. There is method to my madness, I’m encouraging her to fossick about and find those slugs that have moved in and the grubs that have recently hatched and making a right mess of our brassica […]
It’s taken a while, with lots of trial and era to perfect this system in our garden. Much gratitude to the odd rogue chicken or duck that doesn’t like to follow my well intended plans, they have given me a birds eye view and helped point out any cracks in my system. Turn the negative […]
Organic sugar cane mulch. We put sugar cane mulch around our vegetables. In Australia sugar cane garden mulch is a by product of the sugar cane industry. It breaks down easily, nourishes the soil and helps feed the plants – keeping them nice and healthy. Maybe I have my rose coloured glasses on but […]
We are down to the last planting for the season. This afternoon I will plant some garlic that will be harvested as green garlic in a spot where two Elephant Garlic didn’t come up. Taking opportunities like these to plug up any gaps in the garden beds. Careful that what I plant as an alternative […]
A new Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard was delivered to your inbox today. I’ve changed the layout a little, let me know what you think. It is always very appreciated when you send any feedback. Thank you as always for being part of the Fairy Wren Cottage Community. I don’t take it for granted. Have you […]
Popping in to let you know that next week I’ll be sending out my monthly newsletter called Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards. You only need to subscribe the once to receive it monthly and can then also download my free ebooks as well. Until then, Jude x
I’ll be sending out my Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard flowery newsletter this week. If you don’t already subscribe then you can subscribe HERE. There are lots of updates that I won’t be sharing anywhere else. Then I will be stepping away from social media for a bit, not permanent. I like to let you know […]