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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Journal: 27.9.2023. Springtime.

6:33pm. Early evening in our Back Orchard. A walk around the garden, tucking Honeybee in, watching the light fade, the heavy scent of the blossom becoming more noticeable. Springtime. Beauty in the everyday moments. Much love, Jude x


Hen Keeping.

  We were ready to pick up some chicks from a poultry breeder recently. Checking in weekly to see if the chicks were in good health and to see when they would be ready to join us. It gave us time to learn a little about how the person who bred the chickens, always lovely […]


You may or may not know …

You may or may not know that all my photography is only taken here at Fairy Wren Cottage. Life changed for me ten years ago when I fell and the metal prong of the garden rake went completely through my hand, I’m no longer fully independent and live a very different life now. Going out […]


A moment in the day.

A moment in the day. A late afternoon walk on this cold winters day to see the ducks in the Back Orchard. Esmeralda, Ferdinand and Isabella. Our elderly Indian Runner ducks. Head of pest control, their dirty bath water is emptied at least once a day and adds so much fertility for the fruit trees. […]


Garden Journal. 12. 9. 2019.

~ 12 September 2019 ~ I was up in the Back Orchard tonight, just having a general look around. Looking for wind damage after last nights storm and gale force winds. Checking on the health of the five hens who call it home and as well as enjoying the hens company I couldn’t help but […]


13 May 2023. A moment in the day.

Marigold the Buff Pekin hen. Stopping in the middle of the garden path to greet me. My little garden companion. My goal is to post a photo each day in May. A moment captured during the day, calming, peaceful, that captures my heart. Uplifting, something positive as we move into the colder months in the […]


12 May 2023. A moment in the day.

Early evening and a last minute walk with Honeybee. I do miss her if I don’t spend time with our darling duck during the day. I hope you are enjoying my daily series – A moment in the day. My goal is to post a photo each day in May. A moment captured during the […]


Q & A: Tips for growing as much as possible.

The more organised you are before the planting season the easier it is. I know I sound like a stuck record but Focus on what you can do. Consider when your first and last frost dates are. How long from seed to harvest. Write these dates in a diary, calender or on your phone. A […]


Q & A. Six tips to consider when designing a Henhouse.

Question: What would you say is the most important consideration when designing a chook/henhouse? Answer: 1. So many design considerations compliment each other and if one isn’t right it effects the outcome poorly. 2 .Airflow and ventilation is at the top of my list. Followed by orientation. Where you site your henhouse. eg. In the […]
