If you already subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage the Quinces ebook has been sent to your email address. It’s the 2nd edition of this ebook and I just felt that I wanted to go back and rewrite it, share some more recent photos, things we have learnt along the way and give it a fresh […]
~ Mountain Pepper (Tasmannia lanceolata) ~ Also known as Tasmanian Native Pepper or Tasmanian Pepperberry, it is a bushfood. You can use the leaves or berries when cooking. Have you heard of it? Long before I met Michael and we got married and lucky enough to have our Liliana, growing Mountain Pepper was a long held goal […]
I’ll be releasing my latest free ebook Food Hedges over the next couple of days. Subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage to be the first to get free ebooks that I create and share. The subscribe button is in the top far left hand corner, click on the link (3 lines) and a drop down box […]
I’m looking forward to sending Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards (the 1st postcard was sent out last night to everyone who subscribes to the ebooks) and I’m very grateful for the lovely messages of encouragement for this new series. Some details if you didn’t receive a postcard. What is a Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard? I could […]
Only weeks away from the calendar marking the first days of summer, I can see the signs already of the warmer months arriving when I look out to the hills and mountains, the grass in the paddocks is past its Spring flush and the warmer weather is noticeable at watering time with the ground […]
Since posting the photo of the apple blossom from the heritage apple tree varieties we grow, I have had some questions about what to plant & where to get trees from. As you can imagine I have lots to say about all of this and happy to talk about it more, plus point you in […]
When we first shifted to Fairy Wren Cottage there were four types of birds that visited the garden… because over the last 11 years we have created and are continuing to maintain a bird friendly and wildlife friendly garden, we now have over 60 birds visiting or living in our garden. The increase in bird […]
Dear Lovely Reader, I have included the Magnolia story I shared on my Instagram page in with my Garden Postcard Series. Enjoy xxx A Sunday night Springtime tale about a magnificent flowering Magnolia. Once upon a time Fairy Wren Cottage was owned by a lovely eccentric man for thirty years, he didn’t like flowers […]
Growing Roses at Fairy Wren Cottage. I’ve written an article for the latest Grass Roots magazine, No. 260 Aug/Sept 2020 issue. It was a joy to write, Lil and I love roses and just squeezed another 7 into the garden beds. Michael on the other hand is gracious in helping us planting and caring for […]