I’ve been wondering how to move forward with Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards. Wanting to share them on a more regularly basis, but at the same time not wanting to clog up your inbox. How does sending out a Postcard to you once a month sound? My plan is to send out this flowery newsletter in […]
“I will never apologise for embracing joy and beauty – even when the world is falling apart – because joy and beauty are my fuel for activism.” – By Karen Walrond, The Lightmaker’s Manifesto. Reading that quote yesterday on Brene Brown’s Instagram feed really felt like it helped shift my perspecitive. Motivating me to keep sharing […]
If you leave your pears to ripen on the tree, the birds, possums and wasps with get them before you. Remember that it is wasp season at the moment. They love to eat the inside part of the fruit that you might not be able to see when you are picking the actual fruit. Before […]
Written in early February, sharing it now. It’s always the way isn’t it! The one morning I’m out early watering the front garden, hair unbrushed and shirt on inside out, is when you see people to say hello to as they are walking past with their dog! In my defence I was relying on my […]
Through the Cornflower duck yard gate, walk between the Nashi tree and the Mulberry tree that are taking up more path way than expected. Try not to get the Albertine Rose thorns caught on your clothing or fall in the duck bath as you squeeze past both. Hold on to the Josephine Pear tree as […]
~ Golden Nugget Pumpkins ~ We love growing Golden Nugget pumpkins because they are quick to mature and shorten the hungry gap. Thankfully Golden Nuggets are a big win in this department and we aren’t waiting for the larger pumpkin varieties to mature. The Golden Nuggets are a staple in our cooler climate garden where […]
Hello, how are you? I just wanted to pop on and say Thank You! Thank you for being here. You are loved, appreciated and never taken for granted. What ever is planned for today, I hope that there are moments where you can stop to see the beauty. Those quiet moments where it feels like […]
I’ve seen the Southern Brown Bandicoot in the front garden three times now. It never gets old. I find myself standing as quietly as possible and have to remind myself to breathe! The largest bandicoot we have seen by far, this darling potters about, digging a little and grazing. The first time I saw Brown […]
Hello! How are you? I hope you are doing as well as can be during these interesting times. For us we are doing as well as can be here. Lil is healing and we are really hoping that she won’t be needing more surgery. Over Christmas time I re injured my hand and am recovering […]