It’s taken a while, with lots of trial and era to perfect this system in our garden. Much gratitude to the odd rogue chicken or duck that doesn’t like to follow my well intended plans, they have given me a birds eye view and helped point out any cracks in my system. Turn the negative […]
Organic sugar cane mulch. We put sugar cane mulch around our vegetables. In Australia sugar cane garden mulch is a by product of the sugar cane industry. It breaks down easily, nourishes the soil and helps feed the plants – keeping them nice and healthy. Maybe I have my rose coloured glasses on but […]
We are down to the last planting for the season. This afternoon I will plant some garlic that will be harvested as green garlic in a spot where two Elephant Garlic didn’t come up. Taking opportunities like these to plug up any gaps in the garden beds. Careful that what I plant as an alternative […]
A new Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard was delivered to your inbox today. I’ve changed the layout a little, let me know what you think. It is always very appreciated when you send any feedback. Thank you as always for being part of the Fairy Wren Cottage Community. I don’t take it for granted. Have you […]
I’ll be sending out my Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard flowery newsletter this week. If you don’t already subscribe then you can subscribe HERE. There are lots of updates that I won’t be sharing anywhere else. Then I will be stepping away from social media for a bit, not permanent. I like to let you know […]
Beauty in the Everyday Moments. In the garden. Pausing that bit longer to appreciate the dahlia’s as their second flush of flowers is coming to an end and marks the beginnings of them returning to the earth for the colder months. Checking on the hens, love how they afternoon nap in the warmth of […]
A cold Spring. An unfinished Hothouse. Tomato seeds that started off slowly and went down hill from there. The ground not warm enough to plant tomatoes outside during that cold Spring even if we bought large seedlings or tomato plants. Waiting for things to warm up. Buying the last of the local growers tomato plants. […]
~ Beauty in the everyday moments ~ Flowers in the dusk light. Picking Scarlet Runner beans. Sitting on the bench with Honeybee in her garden. Watching how she notices everything. Garden steps and a well used bird bath at the end of the day. The Indian Runner ducks waiting for me at the […]
It’s 4am Sunday morning and I have been lying in bed for the last hour and a half thinking about the 2 metres (yes, 2 metres) of rainfall parts of Australia have had since January. The very same areas that are experiencing that amount of rainfall also experienced the devastating bush fires a couple of […]