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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Pretty & Practical Linen serviettes.

Can you see that linen serviette/napkin underneath the flowers? I get so many questions about them. Unfortunately I haven’t made or embroidered any of them but they do have so many handy uses in our home as well as being used for a napkin or serviette. I first started buying linen or cotton serviettes from […]


Berry Jam Drops

  Is there anything better than a jam drop bikkie with a nice cup of tea?! Use frozen berries instead, it’s a little different to the always delicious jam drop  that needs about 1/2 teaspoon of jam per biscuit. Healthier, less sugar means less sugar high. Have your little kitchen helper put the berries on […]


Sweetie Treats: Gingerbread

Homemade Gingerbread, do you leave one tray in the oven a little longer for better dunking in a cup of tea??? If you can find organic ginger powder all the better, the ginger taste is stronger, this gingerbread is for the people in your life who love ginger. Ingredients: 125grams butter 125grams rapadura sugar 4 […]


Sweetie Treats: Dark Chocolate & Ginger Fudge.

  Each Christmas Lil makes a slice, fudge or biscuits for Michael to have with his coffee, it is part of her Christmas present to him. I shared this fudge recipe on my instagram feed @fairywrencottage earlier in the year, over the years it has become a family favourite. Dark Chocolate & Ginger Fudge. Ingredients: […]


Cooking with Lil.

To encourage Lil’s love of cooking every Christmas and sometimes on her birthday she gets a cook book. Sometimes Lil chooses a cook book or drops not so subtle hints and it becomes a surprise! Cooking has also helped Lil’s sensory retraining and rehabilitation since she suffered nerve damage (Dr’s negligence) in simple terms her […]


Break it down….

Because of my hand injury I am unable to do most things in one sitting, apply that to everything, cooking, gardening, getting dressed, you name it, so I break a task up into small doable steps for me.  Of course somedays are better than others. Like everything I do in my life since the accident […]
