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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Planning for our cosy cottage.

Right from the very beginning, I knew that I would never want to live anywhere else but the countryside. After our family shifted to the city from the country when I was 16, it took me awhile to return but in my heart the country is and always will be my home. In a frame […]


In Loving Memory.

I want to take care of your precious heart and let you know that in today’s blog article I talk about the passing of our dear friend, I’ll let you decide if it is something you are up to reading today. I know you visit my little corner of social media because it is a […]


Garden Postcards: An Apricot Tree Story

21st June 2021. Garden Postcards. The Moorpark Apricot Tree. I feel like we have just said goodbye to an old friend this morning, but it was an old friend we had said goodbye to a couple of years ago that bought up these feelings of sadness and loss. It was also melancholy, remembering the fond […]


Broad Beans & a morning in the garden.

We have just come in from spending a lovely couple of hours in the Kitchen Garden this morning. The sun was warm enough to wear a 3/4 sleeve t-shirt and sit on the garden bench with our faces towards the sun and feel the warmth on our skin. There are two donkeys that live close […]


Garden Postcards ebook.

A warm welcome back to Fairy Wren Cottage and a heartfelt thank you for the lovely feedback I have been receiving since sharing my latest ebook. If you don’t already subscribe you can click the link to download Garden Postcards plus my other free ebooks. Preserve the Harvest, Quinces, Nest, Food Hedges, Quiet Moments and […]


Weekend Plans.

A week of doing small projects in between school work  and work that by Friday afternoon all adds up. It is the way we get things done, little by little. Inside the cottage we are slowly chipping away at a freshen up some rooms.  A new blind for the bathroom windows and also giving the […]



  There is soup bubbling on the stove for weekend lunches, a pumpkin and chickpea curry ready for tonights dinner and the cottage has had a good freshen up. The front windows are now so sparkly and the sweetpea seedlings even got planted out this afternoon in-between filling up the bird baths and tucking the […]


Quinces Ebook

If you already subscribe to Fairy Wren Cottage the Quinces ebook has been sent to your email address. It’s the 2nd edition of this ebook and I just felt that I wanted to go back and rewrite it, share some more recent photos, things we have learnt along the way and give it a fresh […]


Favourite Mantras & Quotes No.1

The Albertine Rose and Potato Vine put on a show this Spring like no other season before, they were stunning. To celebrate their beauty I’ve chosen a small selection of quotes and daily mantras and created some graphics to  share. The 1st quote comes from a day when it felt like I was walking through […]
