t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


10 things to make gardening easier.

Illness, injury, life changing circumstances, ageing. It can be difficult to still do things after something in your life changes can’t it ?! For me at times since my accident it has been heartbreaking and especially in those early days I became very depressed trying to hold on to being able to do everything like […]



There is a lot of talk about foraging isn’t there?!  It can feel like the new black! And foraging is free but it can come with a whole lot of complications. I keep away from anything that: 1. I can’t easily identify. If I have doubts I leave it. 2. Is in a park, pathway, paddock […]


Our Menagerie.

Do you remember the children’s shows where they feature animals and part of the segment is a fact sheet about the animal? We make one of those fact sheets for every animal before they come to live at Fairy Wren Cottage. With so much parental guidance it has been a good way for our daughter […]


Slow Clothing!

Just like looking in our supermarket trolley to see what I could make from scratch at home to cut down on food miles, chemicals, cost and achieve a better tasting food or product we can use in the home, I have been borrowing the same kind of concept applying it to my wardrobe for the […]


Summer: In the Garden.

  We’ve been lucky here at Fairy Wren Cottage, now  into the first weeks of Summer and our water tank is still full. We are yet to experience  long hot days that roll into weeks, scorching the grass, truely reminding us that we live in a sunburnt country. While some gardeners in the warmer climates […]


Drawstring Bag Tutorial

These bags are a great alternative to wrapping paper. They also make great bread bags to store your homemade loaf in or to take to the shop when you buy a loaf instead of using a paper bag or plastic bag.  There are so many uses: handy to put kitchen supplies in when camping,  they […]


Shifting to Fairy Wren Cottage.

We shifted to our property Fairy Wren Cottage in country Tasmania just over eight years ago.  The cottage was liveable if you liked shag pile carpet in every room including the kitchen and toilet, false ceilings just above the door frame height were made   from masonite and joined with plastic strips, the window frames were […]


Our Handmade Home.

Like some women collect shoes or jewellery or like some men collect fishing rods and footy souvenirs, I like collecting machine embroidered or better still hand embroidered linen. Always trying to find a use for this beautiful work.  It somehow feels like I am honouring the embroiderer and all their hand work doesn’t go to […]
