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Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Early Days

  There is always something so inspiring when looking at photos from when we first started to tend the garden here at Fairy Wren Cottage. It makes me feel more motivated. When we shifted in there were long to do lists and lists of plants and trees that I was busting to try growing. Into […]


Benefits of knowing your flock

It is so exciting when chicks or new members of your flock finally arrive and even more so the very  first time you bring your first flock home or they hatch in the incubator or under Mama Hen. There is nothing like those early days of learning hands on even though there has been so […]


Berry Jam Drops

  Is there anything better than a jam drop bikkie with a nice cup of tea?! Use frozen berries instead, it’s a little different to the always delicious jam drop  that needs about 1/2 teaspoon of jam per biscuit. Healthier, less sugar means less sugar high. Have your little kitchen helper put the berries on […]


A gentle reminder its Wasp Season!

When you go to pick fruit check both sides of the fruit for wasps before picking. Mid February  to mid March is wasp season here at Fairy Wren Cottage. When is it at your place ? Mark it on the calendar as a reminder for next year. It is easy to forget since these things […]


Do Small Things with Much Love

Do Small Things with Much Love. Daily Mantra. We are slowly returning to lovely ordinary days, windows wide open, going outside when we like, checking on the ducks, chooks and guinea pigs through out the day, looking to see if fruit is ripening on the trees, gathering a small bunch of herbs as we walk […]


Thank you…..

  Thank you for visiting my flowery corner of the web! A big welcome if you have made your way here via the Grass Roots Magazine bread crumb trail. And of course if you have been following me for a while you will know my absence has been due to the bush fires here in […]


Because a fruit tree isn’t just a fruit tree.

Granted we do have to wait a couple of years in between planting a fruit tree and picking fruit but that fruit tree is more than just a fruit producing tree. It provides: Shelter for smaller birds who visit our garden. Shade for us and our animals when we or they sit underneath it. A […]


Establishing our Garden: Fruit Trees.

The contract to buy Fairy Wren Cottage was signed in Spring but I had to wait until Winter to purchase bare rooted fruit trees. *Check with your local nursery when they expect their  bare fruit tree order to arrive so you can be one of the first to see it and have a good selection […]


Our Hen House Yard.

  Do you watch BBC Gardener’s World? There was a segment in an episode late 2017 about scientific studies proving that growing plants close to buildings helps insulate a building, there is the micro climate they create plus so many other benefits. I think we may have all realised that to some extent but a […]
