Through the Cornflower duck yard gate, walk between the Nashi tree and the Mulberry tree that are taking up more path way than expected. Try not to get the Albertine Rose thorns caught on your clothing or fall in the duck bath as you squeeze past both. Hold on to the Josephine Pear tree as […]
Have you seen the Dishcloth tutorial I shared previously? It is an easy how-to with a very basic pattern good for: Beginners. More experienced crafters who want a quick easy project and get several dishcloths made without having to follow a pattern. During these times I’m looking for an easy project that doesn’t take much […]
Happy Preserving! I hope by sharing this ebook page by page it will inspire you to get out your big saucepan and preserve something. It’s such a good life skill to have, saves you money, and you have food made with love waiting for you during the colder months. I’ll be sharing this ebook page […]
I’m sharing two of my favourite zucchini recipes today. Zucchini Relish and Zucchini Pickles. If you are fairly new to preserving or getting back into it, remember to plan ahead and have enough jars (either bought or recycled) and check the lids are clean and reusable. It’s easy to forget things from year to year. […]
Good. Better. Best. Rate your routines. Are your routines working for you? For me a routine is: that lead up time to meal time or a situation that occurs regularly, eg. going to school or work. If the energy during the routine is feeling clunky and stressful, the outcome not matching the energy going into […]
Hello, how are you? I just wanted to pop on and say Thank You! Thank you for being here. You are loved, appreciated and never taken for granted. What ever is planned for today, I hope that there are moments where you can stop to see the beauty. Those quiet moments where it feels like […]
Edit: I have closed the appointment book for now. Much Love, Jude x When I started homeschooling our daughter Liliana, I really really wished that I had someone to ask all my questions, someone who I could trust who had the answers. If that is how you are feeling at the moment, then this […]
For us, a cosy, tidy home is steadying and reassuring especially when everything else going on in the world at the moment can feel unsettling. I want to make things easier for our family, and together we have worked out easy systems and routines that aren’t time consuming and flow with the day. It makes […]
Stockpiling – the accumulation of groceries and house hold supplies – has become a dirty word since it is now associated with the pandemic and those crazy photos of adults behaving badly in the toilet paper aisle! Our grand parents and great grand parents and all the generations before them saw stockpiling or keeping a […]