t h e    f a i r y    w r e n    c o t t a g e    b l o g    J o u r n a l

Animal Care

Country Life

Good to know


Homemaking & handmade

In the Garden Studio

In our wildlife friendly garden


Giveaway: Sweet Pea Wallpapers.

Sweet Pea Wallpaper Giveaway: Like so many of us I adore sweet peas. Here is my gift to you. Your own set of sweet pea wallpapers. Little sweet pea seeds planted and grown with love in the garden here at Fairy Wren Cottage, with Honeybee the duck helping me water them each day, photographed with […]


Journal: 20 February 2024.

Hello, I’m looking forward to being more present on social media, both on Instagram and this Blog Journal. To reactivate Instagram I’ve got a collection of posts and a giveaway for you. So please check in here and on Instagram @fairywrencottage if I don’t appear in your Instagram feed. My monthly newsletter called Fairy Wren […]


January 2024. Newsletter.

Hello, it’s Monday morning 5:02am as I start to write this. I can hear the wind in the trees and the day slowly starting to wake up. Roosters in the distance, the rustle of leaves on the ground as pademelon’s move around the garden. Plovers make their distinct call. I’ve learnt to see the start […]


Fairy Wren Cottage is our family home.

Just to remind everyone that Fairy Wren Cottage, where we live, is not an Air bnb, holiday cottage or open garden. I am aware that there are some other cottages that offer those services who are also called Fairy Wren Cottage. We don’t have any communication or affiliation with them. Although we do like their name! […]


And so I return to what anchors us.

What a week! You know those weeks when a series of unexpected events happens that kind of hit you for a six. One of those kind of weeks.  Because life doesn’t stop still and let you catch a breath does it. There are still work commitments, we have to eat, animals in our care that […]


Journal: On my desk.

On my desk this afternoon. A little pink box Michael made and painted for me when I am sorting postcards. 18th September 2023. ~ Together with my family we grow all of the bee friendly flowers I take photos of. Organic, often grown from seed or left to self seed (like the poppy on the […]


Journal: 27.9.2023. Springtime.

6:33pm. Early evening in our Back Orchard. A walk around the garden, tucking Honeybee in, watching the light fade, the heavy scent of the blossom becoming more noticeable. Springtime. Beauty in the everyday moments. Much love, Jude x


Last days of Spring.

Hello, and a warm welcome back to my Blog Journal. We are all going well, thank you for your lovely messages. I did mention in my November Postcard (monthly newsletter) that there maybe some Blog Journal posts before Christmas and here we are. Some happenings at Fairy Wren Cottage: Social media has become a big […]


Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards update.

Just a reminder that my newsletter will be delivered to your inbox this weekend if you subscribe to my monthly newsletter. Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards. If you are on the fence, and wondering whether it is worth subscribing or are sick of recieving sales emails that clog up your inbox but are looking for a […]
