I’ve had some lovely messages from people wanting to come and visit my Garden Studio and our big old fashioned organic garden. Fairy Wren Cottage is our family home & unfortunately we are unable to welcome visitors. But I will continue to generously share our country life and lots of florals on my Instagram, free […]
Hello Lovely Subscribers, The Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard for January has been sent to your inbox. Much Love, Jude x ~ If you are not sure what I am talking about; Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards is the name of my monthly newsletter. A gentle read. Vintage inspired flowery photography. My newsletter is free, along with […]
If you are new to Fairy Wren Cottage, a warm welcome. If you are a long time reader, hello and welcome back. Step by step I’ve been updating the Fairy Wren Cottage website after spending much of 2024 focusing on creating a webpage and then website for Michael’s business All Home Renovations and Maintenance. I […]
Hello, I sent the December Fairy Wren Cottage Postcard out before the 25th December. It’s waiting for you in your inbox if you haven’t seen it already. I’d like to take this opportunity to say that it is lovely that you are here and wonderful to send you a Postcard each month. At the end […]
Hello, Just popping in to say hello and let you know that behind the scenes I’m working away on a big website refresh. You’ll see changes appear gradually. I press publish as soon as something is complete instead of waiting for a big reveal. It feels wonderful to be doing this after shifting all of […]
Hello, Michael now has a new website for his bespoke carpentry business All Home Renovations and Maintenance. It is: www.allhomerenovationsandmaintenance.com This new website has been created because of so much client interest. Thank you for being here. Jude x www.allhomerenovationsandmaintenance.com
Hello, Do you already subscribe to my monthly newsletter called Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards? It’s in your inbox if you haven’t seen it already. Last night, Liliana helped me send out the October Postcard. Each time we send out a Postcard there is a notification that a couple of emails have bounced. So if you […]
Hello, Slowly but surely I’m getting ready to open my new online store. I’m doing things a little differently, my online store will be on my website (using Shopify) not on Etsy. Why no Etsy Shop? The Etsy I experienced treats sellers as just another buyer, with the emphasis obviously on sales (they get a […]
Edit: New website for All Home Renovations and Maintenance, my husband Michael Van Heel’s bespoke carpentry business is now live. Click here to visit www.allhomerenovationsandmaintenance.com Hello, It’s been awhile hasn’t it! I have been sharing less posts on my Fairy Wren Cottage instagram account and writing fewer blog posts related to Fairy Wren Cottage but […]