As the Tasmanian borders are opening I have had some lovely requests to come and visit us here at Fairy Wren Cottage. At this stage we are unable to host guests, either friends or family, no exceptions. Not that I need to give an explanation but here it is, and we appreciate your compassionate understanding.

Our daughter Lil has had surgery, recovering, had further health complications and her immunity is low, she needs to regain her strength. For this reason we will be closing the garden gate due to the possibility of her needing further surgery.

Our Lil’s physical health and wellbeing is our priority and I am sure it is your priority too.

It is a decision our little family hasn’t taken lightly, we don’t wish to offend anyone by saying no, so please don’t ask to come and visit our garden and cottage. Absolutely no exceptions.

I will continue to generously share our country life on my Instagram, Pinterest and blog. To be honest, taking photos, making sure I look for the beauty in the everyday and showing up on my Instagram page and on here has helped me keep my head above water. Good for my own mental health.

It is always so lovely to receive messages and I always worry that I have missed replying to someone. Apologies if I have missed replying to you during this very stressful time for our family.

You are always welcome to download my free ebooks and subscribe to my Garden Postcards newsletter.

Our Fairy Wren Cottage isn’t a holiday accomodation, an Airbnb or open garden. I am aware that there are some other cottages that offer that kind of service and they are also called Fairy Wren Cottage. We have never had any communication with them and have no affiliation with them…Although we do like their name!

Hope you are doing ok, take precious care,

Jude x

Visiting Fairy Wren Cottage.

December 14, 2021

  1. Mary says:

    Hi Jude, just reading this and thinking of you all. Will be praying for Lil and you both, with your permission if I may.
    Being late to this news but I hope you’re all OK and Lil is healing.
    Mary (@artbyhepolytta)

    • Jude Van Heel says:

      Hi Mary,
      Thank you for your beautiful message.
      Lil is going as well as can be for now.
      All loving thoughts our way are much appreciated.
      Wishing you a wonderful new year.
      Take precious care, Jude x



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