‘Prentice Dancer’ Ornamental Cherry trees.

Beautiful, sweet smelling, the blossom marks the beginning of Spring in our garden.

But there is a reason why I have planted these early flowering ornamental cherry trees. They are planted on the boundary fence of the Quince Orchard to attracted the bees, our quince trees need the help of the bees to pollinate their blossom that then miraculously develops into quince fruit. Without pollination, no fruit.

For this reason I planted the Prentice Dancer that blossoms first,  the bees are attracted to it and as the Prentice Dancer blossom starts to fade the quince trees start blossoming. Voila! The bees are already in the garden and move from the Prentice Dancer blossom to the Quince blossom.

It’s all about looking at our garden and helping it and in return it helps us.


Reciprocity in relationships is the mutual exchange of energy and support between partners.

Balanced reciprocity is an equal give-and take.

It’s Monday, a week full of possibilities lie ahead. I hope your week is a good one and you have some wonderful things planned for yourself amongst everything else that needs doing.

Sending Light & Love, Jude x

Ps. I’ve created some Reels  on my Instagram account @fairywrencottage that feature the blossom in it. There is always classical music that accompanies the footage that is taken here in the garden at Fairy Wren Cottage. While there is a range of Reels that might not appeal (I really don’t like the ones that show people getting hurt), my Reels are made with the intention of being a sweet gentle pause in amongst the noise. I hope you like them. Xxxx


Blossom time!

September 5, 2022



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