Abraham Darby rose.
1. The Abraham Darby finally bloomed again. In our garden, when she is on, she is on, when she is thinking about blooming, it takes awhile.
2. The Geeveston Fanny apples were finally ready to pick. It is an understatement to say that I look forward to this day every year.
3. Honeybee followed me around everywhere last night, she is convinced that if I feed the hens raspberries she must have them too. Even though she spits them out.

Geeveston Fanny Apples.
4. Michael made some new raised garden beds last weekend. They are the last part of the berry patch transformation. One bed has been put to sleep for the colder months. Lots of organic cow manure, a thick layer of cardboard and a 20cm layer of hay mulch. The worms will do the work, the frosts on the hay mulch break it down beautifully. Come mid Spring the bed will be ready for planting.
5. Lil and I did a deep clean on the front verandah. Seedling trays removed, the table and shelving shifted. The linen on the day bed washed and line dried.
6. The hot house had a tidy up, zucchini plants past their prime replaced with beetroot and carrot seeds.

Leaving some Yellow Drop Plums for the birds.
7. Lil made a delicious Cashew Vegie Pasta bake and Chocolate Pear pudding last night for dinner. The perfect comfort food after Michael’s ute broke down on the way home from work, always a worry. I started Michael’s after work jobs while Lil cooked. Michael got home safely. So grateful to the people who were so accomodating when Michael parked in their drive way to get safely off the road. The tow truck driver from Jackman’s and RACT Roadside Assist were brilliant. Thankful.
8. The hens got a fresh bale of hay in the back part of their hen house. When it is wet or windy or that goshawk is flying to close, that is where you will find them.
9. Speaking of hay, we got an extra load delivered this week for some garden plans, for us it makes great mulch, local and affordable.

The sweetest carrots from the garden.
10. Tonight is family movie night except we are watching the final of the Great British Sewing Bee, we each choose a sweetie and Lil is making popcorn. For dinner we will have Michael’s favourite lasagna that I made first thing this morning.
A week of highs and lows and everything in between but grateful as always to be together, cosy in our cottage and looking forward to some weekend plans.
Hope you are doing ok and have some lovely things planned for the weekend.
Until next time, take precious care, Jude x
10 things this week.
March 17, 2023