Bluebell, I have never known a dog who loves playing in the rain like she does!
Ebb and Bluebell the Spoodles are tucked in under a blanket on the couch, and the heater is on. Raining heavily outside I’m grateful to be inside, there is a vegetable lasagna ready for dinner that I cooked earlier and after I write this blog post I’ll bake something for afternoon tea. It’s definitely cosy weather!
This mornings walk around the garden was cut short with the rain becoming heavier, my clothes getting too wet. Luckily I made a last minute dash into the Henhouse, topping up the food for Snowbell and her chicks. Gosh they are hungry little chicks and always eating. This was their second or was it their third or fourth breakfast!

Oh the colouring on this little one’s tiny feathers.
Seriously we can’t believe how well Snowbell has taken to being a Mama hen. She has the sweetest temperament in the Henhouse and is known to look up and see us, run over to greet us, chat away about this and that in chook language, stop, then as abruptly as she’s run over she is off again. Snowbell is delightful!
Today I wrote an Instagram post and asked some questions on Instagram Stories. Finally putting my thoughts to paper so to speak. I am thinking of creating a monthly membership community. It would be similar to what I already offer but more. The word I am thinking about with this offering is Abundance. More beautiful photography, more recipes, ebooks, garden postcards and a monthly Q & A section where you can ask away and I’ll do my best to answer. There would also be a private Instagram account just for us, you see with Instagram management now favouring Reels my offerings are being seen by about one third of my usual audience. This means that the algorithm (read Instagram management’s computer program) no longer favours the type of content I create and distributes it to even less peeps who actually follow me. And let’s be honest the only reason I stay with Instagram is you, the community, plus I love the creative aspect and sharing. A private member Instagram account would mean that you would definitely see my offerings when you are on Instagram. I’ve been looking at what some other monthly memberships cost and they seem to vary between $10-29 Australian dollars. I want to make this accessible so thinking the price of a magazine. It’s early days, I would want to have a strong foundation in place before welcoming you. I recently joined a monthly membership and the content promised wasn’t delivered the excuse was the person was too busy with their other projects and didn’t think we’d mind if they missed a month of content, it was a bit like paying for a packet of chips and the bag being empty. I definitely won’t be doing that!
Time to do some baking and get things organised as we move towards that time of day when animals need feeding and the cottage organised for a peaceful evening.
Wishing you all good things, Jude x
Ps. I am sharing this a bit later than hoped. I made cacao nib & oatmeal bikkies.
A rainy afternoon.
November 10, 2021