Loveheart, in the Back Orchard under the Moorpark Apricot tree.
We’ve been lucky here at Fairy Wren Cottage, now into the first weeks of Summer and our water tank is still full. We are yet to experience long hot days that roll into weeks, scorching the grass, truely reminding us that we live in a sunburnt country. While some gardeners in the warmer climates around Australia are already picking little tomatoes, harvesting early summer crops, their summer vegetable garden in full swing, the cooler days here slow the garden right down in comparison. Yet there is a gentle hum, the growing season picking up speed.

‘Just Joey’ Rose
The garden is looking lush and full, it no longer has that just planted feel. As I sit in the garden always watching and learning I notice there is now dappled light, areas in our small fruit tree orchards are now in shade during the heat of the day. It is something I have longed for, wishing the garden to establish and mature, wiling the growing seasons to come and go but at the same time not wanting to wish the days away.

Moorpark Apricot, we usually pick them at the end of January.

‘Dainty Bess’ Rose
As the poppies start to lose their petals the roses start to take centre stage. Other old favourites that have self seeded flourish, so used to the growing conditions here now. It’s the beauty of having a rambling garden that doesn’t often get weeded! It’s easy to monitor the fruit trees as we walk around tending to the ducks and hens, instead of planting fruit trees in rows like a traditional orchard, we have planted the trees around pathways and the duck and hen houses, it just makes more sense for practical reasons and because of the layout of the land.

Anzac Peaches.
Happy Gardening,
Jude x
Summer: In the Garden.
December 9, 2018