I was contacted this week by Mrs V, she reads my ebooks at the library and would like a copy to read at home, she isn’t able to download the free ebooks to her home computer and asked if I could put them on a USB stick for her. Unfortunately that isn’t possible, I don’t have a USB port on my computer.
There is another option though.
For personal use only, you are very welcome to photocopy/print out my free ebooks.
I’m sorry that I can’t make it any easier.
One of the goals I had when creating this series of ebooks was to make them as accessible as possible.
Which is why I made them free (it takes about 100 hours to create each ebook). I write, edit and photograph each ebook and my daughter Liliana does all the tech work.
For the community made ebooks Lil and I edited them together and corresponded with all the wonderful contributors plus I supplied all the photos and created the front cover. Again, Lil did all the tech work.
I am so happy that Trove, the National Libraries of Australia website has accepted all of the ebooks and they can be read in any library with a computer, in Australia. If you don’t want to download the ebooks from my website (you need to subscribe to do this) you can read the ebooks at www.trove.nla.gov.au and enter Jude Van Heel in the search bar.
When you subscribe to read my ebooks you also recieve a monthly newsletter called Fairy Wren Cottage Postcards.
More about it HERE
I have also saved each community made ebook page by page on my Instagram account @fairywrencottage in the Instagram Highlights section, at the top of the page.
On Instagram I have also created a Reel for each ebook, a flick through the pages with sweet music in the background.
Please let me know if you have any ideas that would help make the ebooks easier to read and more accessible.
Of course I would love to collate them all into a book you can hold, but that is a story for another day.
Much Love, and thank you for your message Mrs V.
Jude x
How to read my ebooks.
November 11, 2022